032 402-919 info.ipf@unze.ba

Statute of the Union of Students


Based on Article 12 of the Law on Associations and Foundations ("Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", number: 45/02), the Assembly
Association "Union of Students of the University of Zenica" at the Founding Assembly held on January 27, 2022. year, brings:



Article 1.

(1) Association "Union of Students of the University of Zenica" (hereinafter: Union of Students) is a non-party organization that acts as an umbrella representative student organization of students at the University of Zenica.
(2) The Students' Union represents the interests of the students, participates in the work and decision-making in the bodies of the University of Zenica (hereinafter: the University), coordinates the work and determination of the common policy of the student bodies of the University, and performs other tasks determined by this Statute and the general acts of the Students' Union and of the University.
(3) Student Association The Student Union of the University of Zenica conducts: educational, scientific, cultural-sports, health-social, humanitarian, technical and other activities of its members.
(4) The student union is a non-political, non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit organization that respects the principle of equality of all citizens, and everyone's rights and freedoms regardless of race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political or other belief, national or social origin, property , birth, education, social position or other characteristics

Article 2.

(1) The highest act of the Union of Students is the Statute.
(2) The Statute prescribes the basic provisions and organization of the Student Union, the way of working, composition, competences, financing, and other matters of significance for the work of the Student Union in accordance with the Laws.
(3) The Statute of the Students' Union is adopted by the Assembly of the Students' Union (hereinafter: the Assembly) by a two-thirds majority of the members present. (The first statute is adopted by the founding assembly)
(4) The Statute of the Students' Union is a public document and is published on the website of the University of Zenica, the website of the Students' Union and can be found in the libraries of all OJs of the University
(5) In addition to the Statute, the Student Union may also have rules of procedure for the work of the Assembly and other acts necessary for its functioning.


Article 3.

(1) The association exercises public powers within the University of Zenica, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, the general acts of the University and its own general acts.
(2) The headquarters of the organization is in Zenica at the address Fakultetska 3.
(3) The area of activity is the ZE-DO canton.

Article 4.

(1) The student union is a separate organizational entity that operates autonomously within the University and acts as a legal entity under the name: Student Union of the University of Zenica. In English, the name of the Union of Students is: Union of Students of University of Zenica
(2) The abbreviated name of the Student Union is: USUNZE.

Article 5.

(1) The association has a seal, sign-emblem.
(2) The seal is round in shape, diameter 30 mm, the text written in a circle: "Student Union of University of Zenica" as well as the name in English (Student Union of University of Zenica), in the middle there is a sign (symbol) of an open book and a closed male and female hand.
(3) The sign-emblem is determined by a special decision of the Management Board of the association.

Article 6

(1) The Union of Students has an official website called us.unze.ba
(2) The names of the current President of the Student Union, all members of the Assembly of the Student Union, members of the Board of Directors of the Student Union, and current members of the student senate are clearly displayed on the website of the union.
(3) The Association's Statute, the University's Statute, the plan and work program of the current President of the Association must also be clearly displayed on the association's website.
(4) All competitions announced by the Union of Students must be published on the association's official website
(5) All minutes from the sessions of the Board of Directors and the Assembly of the Students' Union must be published on the official website of the Students' Union.

Article 7.

The student union of the University of Zenica is represented by the president, who during his absence is replaced by the vice president of the student union.

Article 8.

The work of the Student Union is public.


Article 9

(1) Program objectives and tasks are:

a) Affirmation of cultural, scientific, intellectual, religious values of BiH society, and development of versatile student personality;
b) Involvement of students in European and world life courses, as well as the involvement of students in all courses of reconstruction and development of BiH;
c) Advocacy for the freedom of the scientific, teaching, educational process of faculties, universities and open interaction with society;
d) Participation of students in the process of creating and implementing the work of faculties, universities and participation in bodies and bodies of higher education institutions of BiH;
e) Permanent activities to achieve optimal conditions for social, health and material provision of students, as well as creating conditions for the inclusion of graduated experts in the work process;
f) Introducing students through the educational process to scientific and professional projects of importance for BiH, the European and world community;
g) Establishment of international cooperation at the professional, scientific-professional, cultural-entertainment and sports level;
h) Developing internships in the country and abroad for the needs of students based on the scientific and professional programs of the faculty;
i) Representation and presentation of students' interests before the bodies and bodies of the faculties of the University and state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
j) Organizing debates, public debates and seminars, symposia and other cultural events;
k) Publication of newspapers, brochures, magazines, scripts, textbooks, monographs and other publications;
l) Cooperation with business entities, public institutions and state institutions in the field of related activities;
m) Issuance of student cards;
n) Other activities and jobs important for association members;
o) Participation in student representative bodies and other bodies established in accordance with the law, this statute and other general acts.

(2) The Students' Union may establish companies that will deal with economic and traffic activities in order to obtain funds to cover the costs of the implementation of the program goals and tasks established by the Statute.
(3) The Student Union may cease to operate by force of the Law or by valid decision of the Assembly of the Student Union.


Article 10.

The bodies of the Student Union are:

a) Assembly
b) Board of Directors c) President

Article 11.

(1) The Assembly is the governing body of the Students' Union, which consists of 5 (five) members from each OJ of UNZE, namely the President of the Association of OJ and four (4) members of NNV and OJ.
(2) In the event that a certain Student Association does not have 4 (four) members in the NNV of its OJ, additional members of the Assembly are voted by the Student Association at that OJ after an open competition. (3) All UNZE students have the right to attend, but without the right to vote.

Article 12.

(1) The Assembly within its competences:

a) Determines the policy and development program of the Student Union;
b) Establishes annual and long-term work programs;
c) Adopts a financial plan and final account;
d) Elects the President of the Student Union, Vice President of the Student Union, President of the Assembly, Vice President of the Assembly, bodies and various bodies of the Student Union, and makes decisions on their dismissal;
e) Enacts the Statute of the Student Union;
f) Gives an interpretation of the Statute and other general acts that it passes;
g) Adopts rules of procedure on the work of the Assembly;
h) Performs other tasks.

Article 13.

(1) The Assembly is held in regular and extraordinary sessions.
(2) Regular sessions are annual and reporting.
(3) Extraordinary sessions are scheduled as needed.
(4) The Assembly can work if a minimum of 21 (twenty one) members of the Student Union attend it.
(5) Decisions are made by the majority of votes of the members present.
(6) When deciding on amendments to the Statute, voting for the president and vice-president of the Student Union, the president and vice-president of the Assembly of the Student Union, at least 27 (twenty-seven) members of the Student Union must attend the assembly session for the decisions to be valid. The Statute of the Student Union changes by a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Assembly present.

Article 14.

(Prava and duties of members of the University Student Assembly)

(1) A member of the Student Union Assembly has access to all official materials, documents and data necessary for decision-making at the sessions of the Student Union Assembly of the University of Zenica
(2) Members of the Student Union Assembly have the following rights and duties:

a) attend the sessions of the Student Union Assembly and discuss and vote at them;
b) submit proposals and ask questions;
c) participate in the work of commissions and other working bodies of the Union of Students
d) accurately and timely inform the students they represent and represent their views

(3) In case of justified absence, a member of the Student Union Assembly can be replaced at the session by an elected representative from the same faculty, with a mandatory written power of attorney.
(4) An authorized member of the Student Union Assembly has the same rights and obligations as a full member of the Student Union Assembly at the session for which he is authorized.
(5) A member of the Student Union Assembly has other rights and duties established by this Statute and other obligations based on the responsibilities of the Student Union body.

Article 15

(1) The Assembly is convened by the President of the Student Union Assembly at the request of:

a) Management Board;
b) President of the Student Union;
c) At least 14 members of the Assembly;
d) Self-initiated.

At least 7 days must pass from the day of convening to the day of the Assembly, and the convenor is obliged no later than that

3 days before the meeting, propose the agenda and prepare the material.

Article 16

(1) The responsibilities of the President of the Assembly are:

a) Convenes the Assembly and presides over it;
b) Takes care of the implementation of the work program of the Assembly;
c) Proposes measures and procedures to the Assembly for more efficient implementation of the function of the Student Union;
d) Proposes acts adopted by the Assembly;
e) Takes care of the implementation of the Statute and other acts of the Assembly;
f) Takes care of the execution of decisions made by the Assembly.

(2) In the event of the absence of the President of the Assembly, he is replaced by the Vice President, who in that case has all the powers and authorities as the President of the Assembly.

Article 17

(1) The Board of Directors is the executive body of the Student Union, which consists of 10 members (the president of the Student Union, the presidents of the Student Association of each OJ at UNZE and the president of the Student Association of the Student Center).
(2) The Board of Directors is chaired by the President of the Student Union.
(3) The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors is one year.
(4) Members of the Board of Directors can be elected a maximum of two times to the executive bodies of the Union of Students.
(5) The mandate ends: upon expiration, resignation and dismissal.
(6) The Management Board makes decisions at sessions where the majority of members are present, and decisions are made by the majority of members present.
(7) A maximum of one third (1/3) of the members can be co-opted into the Management Board between two sessions of the Student Union Assembly.
(8) The Board of Directors elects members from among students to the bodies of the University of Zenica and votes for them by a majority of the members present.
(9) After the election, the President of the Student Union sends proposals for student members to the bodies of the University of Zenica.
(10) For student members of the Senate of the University of Zenica, the Board of Directors cannot vote for two or more students from the same OJ, except in the case when there are not enough applications for the competition to fulfill the stated condition.

Article 18

(1) The management board meets at least once a month.
(2) Members of the Management Board are obliged to:

a) take care of the realization of the program goals and tasks of the Union of Students at the faculties of which they are representatives and of the implementation of decisions made by the Board of Directors and the Assembly of the association.
b) cooperate with each other and, if necessary, act jointly in the realization of tasks of common interest for all members of the Student Union.

(3) In order to achieve the program goals, the Management Board forms working groups and commissions as necessary and, as necessary, announces competitions for individual positions.
(4) Each formed working group is managed by one authorized member of the Board of Directors and implements tasks by assigning the appropriate number of members of the Student Union to work.
(5) Leaders of working groups submit a written and oral report on their work, at the sessions of the Management Board in the presence of other members of the working groups.
(6) The Management Board proposes candidates for representatives of the Student Union who, together with the President of the Student Union, will represent students at the University Senate.
(7) Extraordinary sessions of the Board of Directors are convened by the president of the Student Union on his own initiative or at the request of at least 20% members of the Board of Directors.

Article 19

(1) The Management Board performs the following tasks:

a) Implements decisions of the Assembly;
b) Proposes the adoption of acts that are within the competence of the Assembly;
c) Adopts complete work programs;
d) Implements general acts of the Student Union;
e) Implements a common established policy and development program;
f) Selects students for the bodies of the University of Zenica
g) Determines the proposal for financial work and the final account;
h) Determines permanent and temporary commissions;
i) Takes care of the ethical, objective and coordinated work of all year representatives;
j) Performs other jobs and tasks.

Article 20

(Prava and duties of members of the Board of Directors of the Student Union)

(1) All official materials, documents and data necessary for decision-making at the meetings of the Board of Directors of the University of Zenica are available to the member of the Board of Directors of the Student Union.
(2) Members of the Management Board have the following rights and duties:

a) attend the sessions of the Board of Directors and discuss and vote at them;
b) submit proposals and ask questions;
c) participate in the work of commissions and other working bodies of the Union of Students
d) accurately and timely inform the students who represent i
e) represent their views

(3) In case of justified absence, a member of the Board of Directors can be replaced at the session by an elected representative from the same faculty, with a mandatory written power of attorney.
(4) An authorized member of the Board of Directors has the same rights and obligations as a full member of the Board of Directors at the session for which he is authorized.
(5) A member of the Management Board has other rights and duties established by this Statute and other obligations based on the responsibilities of the Student Union body

Article 21

(Work at the sessions of the Assembly and the Board of Directors of the Student Union)

(1) The members of the Assembly and the Board of Directors shall receive the invitation to the meeting in written or electronic form, with the agenda and material for the session of the Assembly or the Board of Directors, no later than 3 days before the meeting.
(2) Material, documents and proposals of the members of the Assembly or the Steering Committee of the Student Union can be submitted until the session begins.
(3) The proposal to supplement or change the agenda in the context of the previous paragraph is put to a vote, and the final proposal of the agenda is adopted by a majority of the present members of the Assembly or the Board of Directors of the Student Union.
(4) Approval of the minutes from the previous session is always the first item on the agenda.
(5) Each item on the agenda has a reporter who provides all the necessary information on that item.
(6) After the reporting of a specific item on the agenda, a discussion is opened regarding it and closed after it has been exhausted.
(7) After closing the discussion on a specific item on the agenda, the members of the Assembly or the Management Board of the Students' Union declare themselves by voting in the manner established by the Statute of the Students' Union.

Article 22. (Public voting)

(1) Public voting is carried out by a show of hands so that the chairman invites the members of the Assembly or the Board of Directors to declare who is "for" then who is "against" the proposal, and who is "abstaining" from voting.
(2) After the vote, the chairman determines whether a particular decision received the majority of votes and announces the result of the vote.

Article 23.


(1) Secret voting is conducted when the Assembly or the Board of Directors decides to do so by its decision.
(2) Any member of the Assembly or the Board of Directors may put forward a proposal for a secret vote on an individual item on the agenda and the proposed decision, with the obligation to explain his proposal.
(3) Secret voting is conducted with ballots that are identical in size, shape, color and content, with the entire text of the proposed decision to be voted on and instructions on how to vote.
(4) A member of the Assembly or the Board of Directors can vote with only one ballot and that in person at the session of the Assembly or the Board of Directors of the Student Union in Zenica.
(5) After all the members of the Assembly or the Board of Directors have submitted their ballots and after the chairman has announced that the voting is over, the results of the voting shall be determined based on the submitted ballots.
(6) The result of the voting is determined by the chairman and announces how many of the total number of members of the Assembly or Board of Directors received ballots, how many voted in total, how many were invalid ballots, and how many members of the Assembly or Board of Directors voted "for", i.e. " against" a certain proposed decision.
(7) A ballot is invalid if it was voted in any other way than the way specified in the voting instructions, if the ballot is torn or has written or other markings outside the prescribed instructions, or differs in size, shape, color or content from others ballots.

Article 24 (Minutes)

(1) Minutes are kept of the proceedings of each session of the Assembly or the Board of Directors of the University of Zenica Students' Union.
(2) The minutes must contain:

a. ordinal number of the session;
b. place, date and time of the meeting;
c. name and surname of present and absent members of the Assembly or the Board of Directors of the Student Union;
d. name and surname of authorized members;
e. name and surname of other persons present at the session;
f. agenda;
a short description (the essence of the presentation of the participants in the session);
h. formulation of decisions, conclusions, etc.;
and. number and method of voting (if public);
j. session end time;
signature of the chairman.

(3) The original minutes are stored in the archives of the Union of Students, that is, the University of Zenica
(4) The form of the minutes is additionally defined in the Rulebook on keeping documentation of the Student Union of the University of Zenica.

Article 25 (Remarks on the Minutes)

(1) Each member of the Assembly or the Board of Directors has the right to comment on the minutes of the previous session.
(2) If the objection is accepted, a corresponding change is made in the minutes.
(3) Minutes to which no objections were raised, i.e. minutes in which changes were made in accordance with the accepted objections, are considered adopted upon declaration of the members of the Assembly or the Board of Directors.

Article 26. (Individual Acts)

(1) Individual acts adopted at the Assembly session are adopted in the form of decisions, conclusions, instructions, recommendations, instructions, etc., and are signed by the chairman of the Student Union Assembly.

Article 27 (President of the Student Union)

(1) The President of the Student Union is the President of the Board of Directors.

In case of absence of the President of the Board of Directors, he is replaced by the Vice President, who in that case has all the powers and authorities as the President.

Article 28

(1) The President of the Student Union and his deputy are elected by the Assembly for a period of two years with the possibility of one re-election.
(2) The president and vice president of the Union cannot be from the same OJ.
(3) The President of the Students' Union is responsible for his work to the Assembly and the Board of Directors of the Students' Union. (4) The responsibilities of the President of the Student Union are:

a) Convenes the sessions of the Board of Directors, proposes the agenda and presides over the sessions of the Board of Directors;
b) Represents and represents the Association in the country and abroad;
c) If necessary, between the sessions of the Management Board, independently makes decisions regarding the implementation of program goals and tasks;
d) Takes care of the implementation of the work program of the Board of Directors;
e) Follows the regulations and takes care of the legality of the work of the Board of Directors;
f) Proposes measures and procedures for better implementation of the function of the Board of Directors;
g) Appoints the secretary of the Student Union from among the members of the Student Union on the basis of a public competition;
h) Sign acts adopted by the Board of Directors;
i) Monitors the situation in the field of activities of the Student Union and reports to the Board of Directors and the Assembly;
j) Manages all financial resources of the Union of Students and is responsible for the legal use of said funds:
k) Performs other tasks entrusted to him by the Board of Directors and the Assembly in accordance with this Statute.
l) Every 6 months, he submits financial reports of the work of the Student Union to the Board of Directors of the Student Union

Article 29

(1) A candidate who meets general and special conditions can be elected President of the Student Union.
(2) General conditions, in terms of the previous paragraph, are:

a) that he is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
b) that he is older than 18 years and younger than 26 years;
c) that he is a student of any cycle at the University of Zenica;

(3) Special conditions, in terms of paragraph (1) of this article, are:

a) to actively know at least one world language;
b) that he is not a member of the academic staff of the University, a political party or an organization affiliated with a political party;
c) that he did not register as a graduate student;

(4) With the subsequent registration of the status of a graduate student, the president loses his position.

Article 30
(Procedure for electing the President of the Student Union)

(1) The procedure for electing the President of the Student Union is initiated by the Board of Directors of the Student Union no later than one month before the expiration of the term of office of the previous president, except in cases of premature end of term or dismissal thereof.
(2) The procedure for the election of the President of the Student Union is initiated by the adoption of a decision on the announcement of a competition and the appointment of a competition committee for the election of the President of the Student Union (further: competition committee).
(3) The competition commission consists of 3 (three) members, one of whom is the president and one deputy president of the competition commission.
(4) A candidate applying for the election of President of the Student Union cannot be a member of the competition committee.
(5) The task of the competition commission is to carry out administrative tasks related to the competition and the election of the president of the Student Union (reception of applications for the competition; processing of received applications; scoring of candidates; presentation of all received applications to the Student Union; other tasks related to the administrative procedures of election and appointment of the president Student Union).
(6) The competition for the election of the president is published on the notice boards of the University, the website of the University, and other electronic sites used by the Union of Students, and the deadline for registering candidates is 15 (fifteen) days from the date of its publication.
(7) After the deadline for registration, the competition commission submits to the Assembly of the Student Union the documentation related to the competition with a proposal to the chairman of the Assembly of the Student Union to schedule an election session, and upon receipt of the documentation related to the competition, the chairman of the Assembly of the Student Union convenes the election session.

Article 31
(Election session of the Student Union Assembly in Zenica)

(1) At the election session of the Student Union Assembly, the president, deputy president or member of the commission informs the Assembly about the registered candidates, whether they meet or do not meet the required conditions from the competition, whether they submitted the required documentation and evidence, as well as other information necessary for the work of the election session.
(2) There must be at least two members of the Competition Commission at the election session.
(3) Only those candidates who meet the prescribed conditions for the election of the president of the Student Union are included in the further procedure for the election of the President of the Student Union.
(4) Candidates for president at the election session of the Assembly must present their program of work and development of the Union of Students, with the fact that each member of the Assembly can ask for additional explanations in connection with the offered program.
(5) After the discussion is concluded, the competition commission determines the list of candidates for the election of the president of the Student Union in alphabetical order of the first letters of the candidate's surname and first name.
(6) The members of the Assembly, by secret ballot, declare themselves about the candidates for the election of the President of the Student Union, determined on the list from the previous paragraph, by circling the ordinal number in front of the surname and first name of only one candidate on the ballot.
(7) The candidate who won the largest number of votes at the election session was elected president of the Student Union.
(8) The term of office of the President of the Student Union begins on the first day of the following academic year and lasts for two years.
(9) The President of the Student Union is obliged to publicly publish his Plan and Program on the website of the Student Union, and the same document must be publicly published during his entire mandate.

Article 32.
(Dismissal of the President of the Student Union)

(1) The Assembly may dismiss the President of the Student Union from office even before the end of the term for which he was appointed, in the following cases:

a) at personal request;
b) if it is determined that he is responsible for the unsuccessful work of the Union of Students;
c) if it is determined that he has personal or other interests that conflict with the interests of the Union of Students and in other cases of conflict of interest;
d) due to violation of the provisions of the Statute, the Rules of Procedure of the Student Representative Body, other general acts of the University, laws and other regulations;
e) if his status as a student from the article of the Statute of the University of Zenica ceases or he enters the status of a graduate student;
(f) in other cases in which the President of the Students' Union is prevented from performing his duties for a period exceeding two months, or permanently.

(2) A proposal for the early dismissal of the President of the Student Union can be made by any member of the Assembly or the Board of Directors of the Student Union, with mandatory submission of the explanation of the proposal.
(3) The dismissal of the President of the Student Union is done by public vote.
(4) 2/3 (two thirds) of the votes of the present members of the Student Union Assembly are required to dismiss the President of the Student Union.
(5) The Assembly will, at the same session in which the president is dismissed, initiate the procedure of announcing a competition for the election of a new president.
(6) In all cases of dismissal, i.e. appointment of a new president, the handover of duties between the incumbent and the newly appointed president is done by committee. The committee for the implementation of the handover procedure is appointed by the Student Union Assembly of at least 3 (three) members from among the members of the Board of Directors.
(7) The mandate of the newly appointed president of the Student Union lasts two years.
(8) The dismissed president of the Student Union loses the right to re-apply for the position of president and vice president of the Student Union.

Article 33.

(1) The powers of the President of the Students' Union, in the event of his absence, inability or early termination of his mandate, pass to the Vice-President of the Students' Union.

Article 34

(1) The secretary of the Student Union performs administrative and organizational-technical tasks, and is responsible for the work to the president of the Student Union.
(2) He attends the session of the Management Board without the right to vote when making decisions.
(3) His powers are:

a) He takes care of organizing and preparing the sessions of the Management Board;
b) Ensures the work of working groups and performs administrative tasks for the needs of the Board of Directors;
c) Takes care of the application of the Statute of the Student Union;
d) Takes care of the method of calling the members of the Board of Directors and keeping minutes;
e) Performs other duties entrusted to him by the Board of Directors and the President of the Student Union;

Article 35

(1) If an individual member of the executive bodies violates the program objectives and tasks of the Students' Union, he is warned, with an explanation, to harmonize his actions with the objectives and tasks of the Students' Union.
(2) If a member of the executive bodies, after a written warning, does not harmonize his actions within 15 days, with the program goals and tasks of the Student Union, the Steering Committee of the Student Union can schedule an Assembly of the Student Union at which the disputed issue will be discussed.
(3) The decision on the dismissal of an individual member of the Board of Directors is made by the OJ Student Association, which that member represents in the Board of Directors.
(4) The decision on the dismissal of the year representative is made by the OJ Student Association on the proposal of the president of the OJ Student Association.

Article 36

(1) Members of the executive bodies have the right to freely withdraw from the membership of the executive bodies of the Union of Students.
(2) A member who resigns or is expelled from the executive bodies is obliged to settle material and other obligations towards the Student Union, if any.
(3) Members of the executive bodies have the right to raise the question of responsibility of bodies and officials of the Student Union.

Article 37

(1) Members of the executive bodies cannot hold a leadership position or a position in the executive body in political parties.

Article 38

(1) Associations of students of OJ University are smaller organizational units within the Student Union that are competent to implement the decisions of the Assembly, the Board of Directors and the President of the Student Union, and the program goals of OJ on which they act.
(2) The Association of Students is managed by the President of the Association together with representatives of the OJ of the University where the Association operates, i.e. members of NNV - and OJ on which the Association operates.
(3) The president of the Association is elected at the meeting of the Association by a majority of votes and the Students' Union automatically proposes him as a member of the NNV OJ in which he operates.
(4) The President of the Association is a member of the Board of Directors and a representative of the students of the OJ University where he operates and:

a) has the right to use the internal seal, i.e. the seal of the OJ Student Association on which it operates;
b) he is obliged to convene the meetings of the Association at least once a month or at the request of the representatives of the year;
c) signs documents and delegates agenda items to NNV - in the OJ of the University where it operates;
d) presides over the sessions of the Association
e) reports to the Management Board on the activities of the Association
f) takes care of the fulfillment of program goals and tasks, as well as the decisions of the Board of Directors at the level of the Student Association.

(5) The President of the Association has a mandate for 1 (one) academic year, with the possibility of re-election.

Article 39

(1) At the beginning of the academic year, student associations announce competitions and appoint students to the OJ bodies of the University where they operate.
(2) Associations have the right to establish smaller interest groups, in order to more efficiently implement the program goals and tasks of the Union of Students.
(3) All year representatives attend the Association session, and all OJ University students can attend, but without the right to vote.
(4) The meetings of the Association are chaired by the President of the Association.

Article 40.

(1) All students have the right to be elected to the position of year representative. (2) The representative of the year has the duty to:
a) in consultation with the President of the Association, executes the program goals and tasks of the Student Union;
b) Represents the interests of the students who elected him in all bodies of OJ where the Association operates;
c) Regularly informs the president of the Association about student activities, wishes and ambitions in the year in which he was elected;
d) Undertakes certain duties on his own initiative or at the initiative of students.

Article 41

(1) The spokesperson of the Union of Students takes care of informing the public, communication of the Union of Students with the media, other associations, foundations, public institutions and private entities, as well as third parties.
(2) The spokesperson of the Student Union answers to the president of the Student Union.
(3) The spokesperson of the Student Union is elected by a special decision of the Board of Directors of the Student Union.
(4) The spokesperson of the Student Union is elected for one year, with the possibility of re-election, but no more than two times.


(1) The work of the Union of Students, its organs and working bodies is public.
(2) Publicity of the work is ensured through public sessions, constant and occasional reporting of students on current issues of the Students' Union.
(3) Exceptionally, individual sessions of the bodies or bodies of the Students' Union may be closed to the public, and in such cases, an announcement will be made after the session.


Article 43.

The financial and material operations of the association are carried out in accordance with positive regulations and are subject to internal control by the association's bodies.

Article 44.

(1) Financial resources of the Union of Students are provided from:

a) Membership fee;
b) Gifts and donations;
c) Income from economic propaganda;
d) Income from own temporary activities;
e) Other income acquired in accordance with the Law and the Statute.

(2) The volume, purpose and distribution of financial resources is determined by the financial plan for each year. (3) The student union has its giro account with a commercial bank.


Article 45

(1) The students' union ceases to operate:

a) If the Assembly of the Student Union makes a decision to terminate the work of the Student Union or a decision to merge, separate or transform the association;
b) If it is established that the association has ceased to operate;
c) If the number of members of the association decreases below the number determined by the Law for the establishment of the association, and in other cases determined by the Law.

(2) In case of termination of the Student Union, the president of the Student Union is obliged to notify the competent ministry within 15 days in order to delete the Student Union from the register.


In case of termination of the association, all remaining assets of the Student Union belong to the University of Zenica or other related associations, based on the decision of the competent ministry.


Article 47

(1) The interpretation of the provisions of this Statute is given by the Assembly of the Student Union.
(2) This Statute enters into force on the day of adoption at the Assembly held on 27 October 2021. years.

Statute of the Union of Students.pdf


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Switchboard: +387 (0)32 402 919

Dean's Office: +387 (0)32 245 434

Student: +387 (0)32 243 392

Fax: +387 (0)32 402 919





Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy