032 402-919 info.ipf@unze.ba


The Department of Arabic Language and Literature is a new department at the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy and was established by the Decision of the Rijaset of the Islamic Community in BiH on March 30, 2012. In October of the same year, the Government and the Assembly of the Zenica-Doboj Canton gave their consent to the co-financing of the Department. After the positive report of the External Commission, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of this canton issued a decision on the fulfillment of all conditions and gave its approval for the start of classes at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature.

The launch of this study department is an integral part of the development projection of the Faculty, especially the development projection of the Department of Oriental Languages and Literature, for which the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy at the University of Zenica is the home.

The establishment of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature was initiated by the needs of modern profiling of Arabic language professors, and they arise from the existing Concept of Nine-Year Education and the Framework Curriculum of the FBiH, according to which the learning and teaching of the Arabic language, according to the optional criteria, takes place from the third grade, i.e. , sixth grade. The open possibilities of learning Arabic in primary and secondary schools and its equal status with other European languages have also opened a real space for wider employment of graduates of this study department.

The study of Arabic language and literature is designed according to the 4+1+3 principle, i.e. as a four-year single-subject study and offers students a thorough professional education and the acquisition of a solid language competence in the Arabic language and literature, as well as competence in the domain of history, culture and art of the nations that serve in this language.

The study program of this Department is based on the respect of the universal principles of modern profiling of teaching and especially translation staff, the needs projected by modernized curricula and programs for preschool, primary and secondary education, and the experiences of related domestic and foreign higher education institutions. This program particularly respects the principles of modernity and responding to the current educational needs in BiH, especially in the domain of comprehensive language profiling, then the principle of the uniqueness of the cultural tradition and heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina and their compatible combination with the cultural traditions of the Near and Middle East, as well as the principle of the need for a combination of traditional and modern in order to provide a high-quality and comprehensive response to modern standards in education.

The goals of undergraduate (1st cycle) studies at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature are:

  • acquiring a good foundation of knowledge and skills that will help students develop a solid theoretical, critical, historical and cultural, and especially, methodical and practical understanding of the Arabic language, and the literary and cultural traditions that arose in the areas where this language is used;
  • understanding linguistic phenomena in all their complexity: in the context of the language system, in the context of their medial value, but also in the context of their historical development vertical;
  • encouraging logical and analytical thinking in order to enable students to analyze more complex issues in the fields of language, literature, translation, history and culture;
  • developing and nurturing the cultural and linguistic bond towards the Bosnian language in the form of contrastive or comparative seminar papers in language and literature;
  • intensified development of cultural and communication competences and raising them to the highest level, with the aim of simultaneously profiling professionally trained translators who will be qualified to intervene in various areas of cultural and social life;
  • intensive development of the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice;

The study of Arabic language and literature at IPF is designed according to contemporary European and world requirements and standards of foreign language teaching in early and later school age, through a specially designed group of professional, cultural, pedagogical-psychological, didactic and methodical courses, which students enable them to acquire competencies with wide professional and scientific applicability in various domains of cultural and public life such as preschool educational institutions, primary and secondary schools, related faculties, institutes, libraries, museums, embassies, consular and government offices, the banking sector and the field of construction, media and communications, oil and water industry, international finance and law, centers for teaching foreign languages and translation centers, and fast-growing areas of tourism.

At this Department, students acquire the following professional and specialist competencies:

  • language competence in Arabic at the C1-C2 level according to the European reference levels,
  • basic knowledge of contemporary linguistic disciplines,
  • basic knowledge of the theories and techniques of written and oral translation,
  • knowledge of the culture of Arabic-speaking countries (geographical, cultural-historical, socio-political, economic and other aspects),
  • knowledge of literary and scientific terminology and methodology,
  • knowledge of the theoretical foundations of learning and teaching a foreign and second language, that is, the linguistic and cognitive theories on which they rest;
  • knowledge of basic didactic principles, methods and procedures of teaching Arabic from a diachronic and synchronic point of view;
  • knowledge of research techniques with regard to the process of learning and teaching Arabic as a foreign language.

Upon completion of the four-year undergraduate study at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy in Zenica, students obtain the title Graduate professor of Arabic language and literature.

The planned number of the first generation of students in the academic year 2013/2014. year is 40, of which 20 full-time and 20 part-time students.

The teaching team for the first four semesters of the first cycle of studies at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature was also adopted, and the head of the Department was appointed Prof. dr. Mejra Softić.

(ENGLISH) Dear guests, you can download a brief guide through our department from HERE.

(ARABIC) Dear guests, you can download a brief guide through our department in Arabic from HERE.

Teaching (lectures and exercises) at the undergraduate study at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature is conducted by professional teachers and associates with appropriate choices for teaching and associate positions.

The teaching team for the 1st cycle (undergraduate study) of studies in ac. 2023/24. you can download HERE.

The teaching team for the II cycle of studies in ac. 2022/23. you can download HERE.

The launch of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy of the University of Zenica represents a scientifically based and well-designed response of this institution to the needs of profiling teachers of the Arabic language arising from the existing Concept of Nine-Year Education and the Framework Curriculum of the FBiH, according to which the learning of the Arabic language , according to the optional criterion, predicts from the third or sixth grade.

 Basic nprinciples and starting points in the development of the Curriculum

The curriculum for the 1st cycle of (undergraduate) studies at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature was created based on the universal principles of modern profiling of teaching and translation staff, the needs projected by modernized curricula for preschool, primary and secondary education, and experiences related higher education institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, and especially on respecting the basic principles of the Bologna Declaration, which especially refers to:

  • affirming the new European study model, comparable criteria and methodologies;
  • acceptance of a system based on three educational cycles, undergraduate,
  • graduate/master's and postgraduate/doctoral studies;
  • introduction of the ECTS system as a suitable means of affirming the widest exchange of students;
  • affirming the mobility of students, teachers, researchers, administrative staff;
  • affirming European and world cooperation in quality assurance;
  • affirming and introducing a system of easily recognizable and comparable academic degrees supplements degrees.

When creating the Department's program, the following principles were especially emphasized:

  • the unity of the model of all studies within the framework of Bosnia and Herzegovina studies, i.e. the unique duration of all study cycles (4+1+3 or 3+2+3);
  • principle of optionality or modularity; students are tried to be offered the opportunity to choose some modules and thus take part in shaping their studies;
  • the one-semester principle when designing modules;
  • organization of studies in three credit groups, namely: in two credit groups of organized teaching subjects (compulsory and optional modules) and a third credit group of curricular and extracurricular scientific activities;
  • the principle of modernity and responding to current educational needs in BiH, especially in the domain of comprehensive language profiling;
  • the principle of the uniqueness of Bosnian cultural traditions and heritage and their compatible combination with the cultural traditions of the Near and Middle East;
  • the principle of the need to combine the traditional and the modern in order to provide a high-quality and comprehensive response to modern standards in education.

 She got updgrowing up with ECTSom

As a member of the University of Zenica, the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy has undertaken to harmonize its study programs with the European credit transfer system, the so-called European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), according to which, in one year of study, as a rule, 60 ECTS points are acquired, that is, 30 ECTS points per semester.

Upon completion of the first cycle of four-year (undergraduate) studies at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, students acquire 240 ECTS credits, thus meeting the establishment of a vertical system of passing through all three cycles, which are determined by the Bologna process (4 + 1 + 3).

 Description and references of the study

The first (first, undergraduate) study cycle at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature lasts four years, i.e. eight semesters and is designed as full-time and part-time.

In order to complete undergraduate studies and obtain diplomas and professional degrees, students must collect 240 ECTS credits (30 per semester, or 60 per year of study).

During the school year, the study lasts thirty weeks. Exams are organized in three exam periods: January-February, June-July and September, and continuous monitoring of students' progress is applied in accordance with the ECTS system.

In the study program, the subjects are evenly, logically and chronologically distributed according to the years of study so as to ensure the gradual acquisition of knowledge, from elementary in the lower years of study, to highly professional in the higher years of study.

In each study group, subjects are organized as compulsory (professional) and optional, and seminars, term papers, pedagogical-didactic activities and a final paper are also planned.

Candidates who have completed a four-year high school are admitted to the Department of Arabic Language and Literature. Candidates also take an entrance exam that is organized in accordance with the Rules of the Faculty.

 Study goals, competencies and abilities of students

The goal of undergraduate studies at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature is to enable enrolled students to acquire a good foundation of knowledge and skills that will help them develop a solid theoretical, critical, historical and cultural, and especially, methodical and practical understanding of the Arabic language and literary and cultural traditions. created in the areas where this language is used.

At the study of Arabic language and literature, students acquire the following professional and specialist competencies:

  • language competence in Arabic at the C1-C2 level according to the European reference levels,
  • basic knowledge of contemporary linguistic disciplines,
  • basic knowledge of the theories and techniques of written and oral translation,
  • knowledge of the culture of Arabic-speaking countries (geographical, cultural-historical, socio-political, economic and other aspects),
  • knowledge of literary and scientific terminology and methodology,
  • knowledge of the theoretical foundations of learning and teaching a foreign and second language, that is, the linguistic and cognitive theories on which they rest;
  • knowledge of basic didactic principles, methods and procedures of teaching Arabic from a diachronic and synchronic point of view;
  • knowledge of research techniques with regard to the process of learning and teaching Arabic as a foreign language.

Students acquire the following abilities:

  • ability to linguistically analyze the structure and use of language,
  • the ability to apply different methods in written and oral professional translation,
  • the ability to individually interpret a literary work,
  • the ability to apply an intercultural approach in comparative analyzes of cultural, economic, historical and political ties between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Arabic-speaking countries,
  • the ability to plan, perform and critically reflect on the process of learning and teaching Arabic as a foreign language,
  • the ability to use learning strategies and to teach language knowledge and skills,
  • the ability to use IT and communication technologies,
  • the ability to apply the techniques of scientific and research work.

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Upon completion of the four-year undergraduate study at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy in Zenica, students obtain the title GRADUATES PROFESSOR OF ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE


For detailed insight into the curriculum of the Department, click here HERE. (January 2012 version)
For a detailed insight into the curriculum of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature (Cycle I), click here HERE. 
For a detailed insight into the curriculum of the Department of Arabic Language and Literature (II cycle), click HERE. 



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Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy