032 402-919 info.ipf@unze.ba



The Proceedings of the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy in Zenica, launched in 2003, is an international journal whose works are subject to double anonymous peer review, and which aims to develop knowledge and promote and facilitate the exchange of information in various fields of the humanities and social sciences, among which the most represented so far have been: social research, religious sciences, Islamic thought and civilization, language and literature, theory and practice of early education and religious pedagogy. The collection is published once a year, in December.

Only works that have not been published in other publications, nor sent to another journal for publication at the same time, are published in the Collection of Proceedings. Theoretical, empirical and review papers that satisfy scientific quality and are in accordance with the thematic goals and areas of the Proceedings are taken into consideration. In addition to the above, book reviews are also published.

All papers must be in accordance with the journal's Instructions on the arrangement of papers, and must be sent to the Editorial Board of the Proceedings only in electronic form (Microsoft Word) to the address: ipfzbornik@gmail.com.

Papers may be rejected without peer review if the Editorial Board considers them unsuitable for publication in the Proceedings. Otherwise, the articles are reviewed by two experts from the same field, and at the end they propose to classify the work as: original scientific work, previous communication, review scientific work, expert work.

Authors do not pay for publication of papers in Proceedings. The printing of the Proceedings is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science through the support of scientific research work at the University of Zenica.

The magazine supports open access, which means that the entire content is available to users without charge. Reading, uploading, photocopying, distribution, printing, searching, and sharing of links to full articles is permitted without asking permission of the author or publisher while respecting copyright.

Papers published in the Proceedings of the Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy in Zenica are referred to:




Prof. Ph.D. Izet Pehlić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Editors of the sections of the Collection

Religious sciences: prof. Ph.D. Zuhdija Adilović, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Islamic thought and civilization: prof. Ph.D. Sedad Dizdarević, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Religious pedagogy: prof. Ph.D. Izet Pehlić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Social research: prof. Ph.D. Edina Vejo, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Theory and practice of early education: prof. Ph.D. Almira Isić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Language and literature: Assoc. Ph.D. Amina Pehlić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Editing course

Prof. Ph.D. Almira Isić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Anela Hasanagić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Edina Vejo, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Lidija Vujičić, University of Rijeka, Croatia,

Prof. Ph.D. Mladen Vilotijević, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Prof. Ph.D. Omer Spahić, International Islamic University, Malaysia

Prof. Ph.D. Safet Bektović, Oslo University, Norway

Prof. Ph.D. Sedad Dizdarević, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Vedad Spahić, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Zuhdija Adilović, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Asst. Ph.D. Amina Pehlić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Asst. Ph.D. Mithat Jugo, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Secretary of the Editorial Board

Asst. Eniz Patković, University of Zenica


Advisory Board

Academician Adila Pašalić-Kreso, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Academician Ferid Muhić, European Academy of Sciences, Macedonia,

Prof. Ph.D. Ahmet Temel, Istanbul University, Turkey,

Prof. Ph.D. Ali Afrooz, University of Tehran, Iran,

Prof. Ph.D. Edgar Almen, Linköping University, Sweden

Prof. Ph.D. Edita Slunjski, University of Zagreb, Croatia,

Prof. Ph.D. Emina Kopas-Vukašinović, University of Kragujevac, Serbia,

Prof. Ph.D. Izet Pajević, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Kamar Oniah Kamaruzaman, International Islamic University, Malaysia,

Prof. Ph.D. Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast, University of Tehran, Iran,

Prof. Ph.D. Lino Veljak, University of Zagreb, Croatia,

Prof. Ph.D. Mejra Softić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Mirko Blagojević, Institute of Social Research, Belgrade, Serbia,

Prof. Ph.D. Nusret Isanović, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Oddbjørn Birger Leirvik, Oslo University, Norway

Prof. Ph.D. Safvet Hallilović, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Šefik Kurdić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Ph.D. Šukrija Ramić, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy, University of Zenica
Juraj Neidhart 15

72000 Zenica

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Email: ipfzbornik@gmail.com

Web: http://www.ipf.unze.ba/


ISSN 2637-1480 (Online)
ISSN 1840-4448 (Print)



Original works from various disciplines of humanities and social sciences (sociology, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, religious sciences, etc.) are published in the Proceedings of the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica. Papers are submitted in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian or English and are published as such.


Papers must be submitted in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12, spacing 1.5, normal margins, 10 to 16 pages long, or no longer than 5,000 words or 30,000 characters.



On the first page of the paper, in the upper left corner, the name and surname of the author should be stated, below it the full name of the institution where the author/s works, and the author's e-mail address. The title of the paper is written in large bold letters, size 14, centered on the page and should be methodologically correct and clear.


The title of the paper is followed by a summary of 500 to 750 characters. The summary of the work, as well as the work itself, should be clear and refer to the purpose of the work, theoretical and methodological starting points, main results and conclusion. After the abstract, up to six key words should be listed, which are scientifically and professionally referential for the topic covered.


If sections (subheadings) are numbered in the work, try to use a maximum of three levels in the work. Different types of letters should be used for different levels:


Bold letters (Times New Roman 12)

The number is in bold letters, and the title is in bold italics (Times New Roman 12)

The number is in plain letters, and the title is in italics (Times New Roman 12)


The list of used literature, images, tables and graphs that are an integral part of the paper must have a title, source and number.


Citation and sources

APA style (http://www.apastyle.org/) is used to format references in the text and in the bibliography. Sources should be cited in the text, not in footnotes. The reference is placed in brackets and contains the surname of the author and the year of publication, e.g. (Slatina, 2005), but if it is a quote and a page number, e.g. (Slatina, 2005, p. 188). If the work has two authors, both should be mentioned: (Hasanagić & Pehlić, 2000). In the case of a joint work of three to six authors, the first time that work is referred to, the surnames of all authors are given, and each subsequent time only the surname of the first and the term "et al." If the work has more than six authors and after the first mention, only the surname of the first author and the term "et al." All references in the text are given as they were the first time, i.e. forms such as "ibid.", "op. cit.", "loc. quote." and the like. Authors are suggested to include in the notes only a comment or addition to what was said in the text.

In the list of literature (bibliography), which is at the end of the work, full data on all the works mentioned in the references should be provided. The works are listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors and in chronological order for the works of the same author. If several works of the same author are cited, which have the same year of publication, they should be distinguished by letters (a, b, c, etc.) after the year of publication. In the case of joint work by several authors, the form "and collaborators" is not used in the literature list, but all authors are listed. If the referenced manuscript has a DOI number, it must be listed in the reference list. DOI numbers can be viewed at: :  http://www.crossref.org/SimpleTextQuery/


The list of literature should be made according to the given examples:

–  Book: Gudjons, H. (1994). Pedagogy - basic knowledge. Zagreb: Educa

Journal Article: Šućur, Z. (2000). Roma as a marginal groupSocial research, 9 (2-3), 197-210

Book Chapter: Poljak, V. (1996). Creating an innovation school. In H. Fainstein (ed.), Pedagogy and Croatian education (pp. 62-68). Zagreb: HPKZ

Internet sources: Pasalić Kreso, A. (1999). Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Minority Inclusion and Majority Rules, The system of education in BiH as a paradigm of political violence on education, available at: http://www.tc.edu/cice/Issues/02.01/PDFs/21pasalickreso.pdf

Unpublished doctoral dissertation: Surname, first name initials (year of publication). The title of the dissertation (unpublished doctoral dissertation). Name of the institution. Location.

Published work presented at the conference: Author, A., & Author, B. (year, month, date). The title of the paper. In A. Editor, B Editor, & C. Editor, Title of the proceedings. Paper presented at Conference name: subtitle, location (number of pages). Place of publication: Publisher.


Other examples can be found at http://www.apastyle.org/ 


If the work is written in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, a translation of the title, abstract and keywords in English is submitted after the literature, and if the work is written in English, a translation of the summary and keywords in Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian is submitted after the literature language.


Use for all emphasis in the text italic letters, and not bold or underlining. For all enumerations, use only bullets or dashes. The text should be paginated.


Since all papers undergo a double anonymous review, the authors are expected to remove all information that could reveal their identity from the text as well as from the bibliography. In such references, instead of the last name, they state only (Author, year of publication), and if there are several authors (Author & Co-author, year of publication). If there are several works published in the same year, then the letters a, b, c are added in addition to the year's edition in order to distinguish them. At the beginning of the literature list, the same incomplete references are listed, and they are added only in the final version of the paper.


All papers should be proofread by a native speaker or a professional proofreader, in order to avoid mistakes in writing, grammar and writing style. The editors reserve the right to adapt the texts to the propositions of the Collection and the standards of the language in which they were written.



Papers for the Proceedings, prepared in accordance with these Instructions, are sent to the Editorial Board of the Proceedings only in electronic form (Microsoft Word) to the address: ipfzbornik@gmail.com. Works that are not done according to the Instructions are not accepted and are not sent for review.


View books

Book reviews are sent in a volume of no more than 2000 words. It is possible to display domestic and foreign publications that were published no more than two years ago, counting up to the date when the display was received in the Proceedings. The front page should be edited as follows:






Display author's name (Times New Roman 12, bold, centered)

Name of the institution where the author is employed

Email address Times New Roman, 12, regular, centered)





  (Times New Roman 12, bold, centered, capital letters)



The authors harmonize their work with the Rulebook on ethical behavior and prevention of abuse in the Proceedings. The rulebook is available in pdf version HERE.



All manuscripts first undergo editorial review, and only after it is established that they meet the standards of the Proceedings and fit into its goals and themes are they sent for peer review. After that, the papers are subject to a double anonymous review.


After receiving the reviewers' reports, the authors are obliged to submit, in addition to the new version, a cover letter in which they state all the changes they have made and follow the reviewers' suggestions. In addition, if they did not accept any of the remarks, they are expected to provide an explanation.


Reviewers have a maximum of 30 days to submit a review, and they are obliged to warn the editors about possible difficulties that would prevent them from being objective in the review process. Also, the article is treated as a confidential file.


The reviewers are expected to present the good sides of the work, perceived shortcomings, and to provide recommendations to improve the quality of the work. In addition to the general opinion about the paper, the reviewers evaluate on a scale of 1 to 5 the special characteristics of the manuscript, namely:


  1. Adequacy of content:

– The title of the work reflects the content and purpose of the work

– Keywords reflect the essence of the work (up to 6 keywords)

– The summary is relevant and concise (from 500 to 750 characters)

- The goal of the research is clearly defined

- With an appropriate theoretical framework and a satisfactory review of previous knowledge, the author introduces the problem that he investigates in the paper

- The methodology is clearly defined

- An overview of previous research in the selected area (supported by citations from scientific literature) has been elaborated, and this indicates evidence and counter-evidence of the author's results.

- The work represents the original contribution of the author in his scientific research field

- Presentation of the research results supports the applied methodology, conclusions and recommendations

- The conclusion contains clearly stated scientific claims, open questions and recommendations for further research


  1. Arrangement of work:

- The paper is technically well organized and corresponds to the standards prescribed by the Instructions for writing papers for the Proceedings

– The scope of work is appropriate

- Tables, graphs and pictures are used appropriately in the work

- References and literature reflect the topicality of the work and are cited according to APA style

- The paper is readable, written in standard language without spelling and grammatical errors, relevant and interesting to the reader


After analyzing the characteristics of the work, the reviewers make a recommendation by choosing one of the options:



At the end of the review, the reviewers put their comments and recommendations for improving the quality of the work. If one of the reviewers accepts the work and the other rejects it, the work will not be accepted for publication in the Proceedings.


The reviewers for the article they proposed for publication also propose the category in which they classified it, and the final decision is made by the Editorial Board. Works can be categorized as follows:


Original scientific work

A scientific article containing unpublished and new results in full form; it is characterized as original when it makes a significant contribution to a certain scientific issue or its understanding and when it describes new research results from a certain field; it is written so that any expert in the same field, based on the information provided, can repeat the experiment and achieve the described results or can repeat the author's observations.


Previous announcement

A scientific article containing new, yet unpublished results of original research, but in a preliminary form; this form of article implies the publication of new scientific results, but without enough details that would allow the reader to check the presented data, as is the case in the original scientific work.


Review scientific paper

A scientific article that contains an original, concise and critical presentation of an area of theory or practical research in which the author actively participates critically, and in which the role of the author's original contribution in that area must be emphasized, compared to already published works; the review paper, therefore, contains a complete presentation of the state of a certain area of theory or its application, the author brings his own critical review and evaluation, and must provide information on all published works that he used as a starting point for his work.


Professional article

A professional article that contains useful contributions from a specific profession and for a specific profession, but does not represent the author's original research.


Presentation from the scientific meeting

The presentation from the scientific meeting can only be published as a complete paper that was previously referred to at the scientific meeting, and in the form of a complete paper it was not published in the proceedings of the meeting.


View the book

Book review written as a critical review.

Book reviews are not subject to review, and the Editorial Board decides on their publication.



Reviewers harmonize their work with the Rulebook on ethical behavior and prevention of abuse in the Proceedings. The rulebook is available in pdf version HERE.


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Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy